Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Packing up goodbyes

So I'm now unemployed! Been trying to pack for three days, Not going well! What do I pack when I'm going through every climate possible? This is not easy.

Great news the other day.. Doc finally got down on one knee to the beautiful Nikki B.  don't think the rock will make it through the 'no jewellery' rule but it's ace they now have three months together to celebrate. Can't wait to start planning!

Already said my first farewell to papa Cawood. He's in NZ with work, and it was sad to say bye so early. Now I have the two most important women in my life to say bye to. My mum and sister are everything to me, and its horrible saying bye even if its only 6months. It's made even harder knowing that baby Webster is growing day by day. I can't wait to come back a week before she's due! Jon.. Look after Nat while I'm gone. Weekly bump pics are non negotiable!

Three days to first stop.. Lima. Caz xx

1 comment:

  1. Nice Cazza!
    60 hours til we fly, still have to (in no particular order):
    - pack,
    - get travel insurance,
    - get 3 months worth of contact lens (should've gone to specsavers... last week before they ran out of my prescription),
    - scrap car :(
    Plenty of time...
    Roll on Lima

    Doc x

    ps thank you very much, for the cards to those reading who we have met only briefly and especially to those we have never met, it was very kind
