Monday, October 17, 2011

Long overdue!

We're back down to earth!!! This might be a long one on this occasion but we'll try keep it short and sweet.
Sorry for the long delay in writing! No wifi in the desert. We left our blog fans when we were at the airport, on our way to Cuzco. This was the start of our Inca Discovery trek, which took us to over 3000m above sea level. We met up with some Aussies, some Brits and kiwis. The altitude sickness hit us hard, feeling light headed and panting after walking two flights of stairs, headaches, tingly feet from the anti altitude tablets and generally feeling very strange. We woke up the next morning with an early start on the coach heading higher to Ollyantambo. First stop was a little inca village, stop at little food hub, local markets then we had a small intro to some inca ruins and had tea all together, starting to get to know everyone better. A lovely bunch, getting on with the Brits best!!!
So the next day the trek begins. No idea what is ahead of us, we meet loads of Inca's in their amazing traditional outfits, some horses and a few llamas. They load up the animals with all the equipment, then slightly bemused we start walking into the mountains ahead with glorious sunshine. We met a few inca children, the most amazing people you've ever met. Full of smiles, rosie cheeks, chapped lips and black feet. We gave them fruit as we met them, one little girl didn't know how to eat a banana and ate the skin. They loved cameras and were amazed when they saw their pics on the screen. It's so humbeling. We got to go into a traditional house along the way. It was in the middle of no where and the size of a garage at home. Mud bricks, thatched roof, patchy wood door about 4feet tall. We were greeted by 4 little boys, a 2 yr old little girl, and there mum. The dad was working the fields so we didn't meet him. We crammed into this house, unbelievable they live there but they are the happiest people with so little. There were guinnea pigs running around the floor, and we asked where everyone sleeps. Mum and dad sleep on a bunk (we couldnt make it out as there is no electricity) and the kids sleep on the floor with the animals. The eldest boy wanted to sing us a song he had learnt at school which was sweet. We gave them fruit and a few crayons Matt had taken which they were so pleased with. Not sure they had paper but they will no doubt find a use for them. The children here have the best imagination with only sticks and the outdoors. It was raining outside and snug inside so we were happy to be there. As we left the little girl was fascinated by Nikkis plastic poncho, she nearly had to give it up!
So on we go. As lunch approached so did the grey clouds, followed by rain, hail and snow! Fernando told us it never snows..typical. The trek was treacherous, we've never had to walk up before, made worse by the altitude and weather. Each massive uphill brought the next into sight. It felt it was never going to end. On the edge of throwing a paddy and literally gasping for breath each step, Fernando our leader was way ahead, though we were at the front half of the group the whole way we'd like to point out..we were the first girls to summit :-). In two days we climbed to 4610m above sea level and treked 40km. It was the hardest thing we've ever done, but so proud of ourselves when we hit the top and it was downhill for the last day. Made easier with the relentless crew who raced ahead each day, put up our tents, cooked us three course meals and made us tea or coffee in our tents as wake up calls each morning. I had a tummy bug, Nikki had bouts of it too, and us all getting headaches. Our lowest point having a poo in the field but it was our only option. What happens on the mountain...! We entertained ourselves on the night with cards and wink mafia. A frisbee game went down well with the boys on the second night. When we finally got to the finish point, the boys had a footy game - Peru vs the rest of the world..still not sure who won, but it was the perfect end (plus there was an actual toilet).
We arrived in Agues Calientes on Friday via the most scenic train journey ever, and showered for the firls time in three days. We felt amazing, though still slightly sick, but decided to go to the local hot springs with the other brits, then out for dinner. We woke at 3:30am to start to cue for the bus to Macchu Picchu. "Fernando always wins". We arrived at Machu Picchu at 6am, the first through the gates (2000 people go a day!) Fernando warned us not to take any pics till he said, so he runs us up the rocks to the classic viewpoint. Our photos do not do it justice. Mesmerisingly beautiful and breathtaking. Difficult to comprehend how they built the sacred city so high and in such unforgiving land. We had a tour by Fernando then we had our own time to wander.

So...this is how it happened. Nikki and Rich left (apparently needing the loo) so mike and i had a little walk. Mike and I sat down in a quiet spot looking over the mountains. It was beautiful. Quiet, inspiring, but tummies rumbling mike said he had skittles. Brilliant! Especially after limited home comforts up to this point. I turn to see him, and out pops a ring box. OMG! Was this it? Mike shaking slightly, I started crying. After some beautiful words, mike explained inside the box was a travel ring for me to wear on our trip. Just at the crucial moment some new friends Matt, Sarah, Joe and Becky all walked around the corner, giving us banter about where we'd sloped off to. Sun glasses quickly go on to cover the wet eyes, mike told them they'd just walked in to witness him asking me to marry him. They danced around then scurried off. Mike asked me again (in privacy) and I said yes! We stayed there a bit, tried to take in the magical moment, then went on the hunt for Nik and doc. They were waiting at the top of Machu Picchu, so we hugged, had a moment, the fake ring took out a third of rich's arm, then rich popped the Peruvian champers. By 11am we were falling asleep in the sun on the mountain side, almost trodden on by llamas. An incredible day and it wasn't even lunch time.

Don't really need to go on about it. You get the picture. We slowly headed back down, and headed to Cuzco over the next day. We were delirious with exhaustion and have pottered around Cuzco for the last two days. Did some laundry, had lots of coffee, went to the inca museum, cocoa museum, and currently watching Peru v Chile in the bar next to the hostel. Random doesn't even explain this bar but the Peruvian people are all so lovely. Sad to leave tomorrow but looking forward to our next stop..Lake Titicaca (floating islands) then leaving Peru and onto Bolivia!
We hope Mrs Flemmings class are enjoying our blog. We hope one day you get to come to South America too.
Lots of love..
Caz, Nikki, Rich and Mike xxxx
P.S beard blog to follow


  1. Pics look amazing guys (especially the one with the 'travel' ring!) The proposal sounds perfect. Keep up the blogging, stay safe.

    Vic xxx

  2. Congratulations!! :) How very romantic :) We are so happy for you both!

  3. What exciting news - congratulations!
    We heard on Saturday and raised a glass to toast you both before we went to Artisan with your Mum and Dad, Peter and Carol and Glenn and Derkje
    Lots of love from Alice and Martin x x

  4. Congratulations to you both.... what great memories you are making...
    love Mummy Wardlaw x

  5. Congrats guys! Happy for you, have fun!

  6. yayyyy!! so exited reading that little paragraph made me tear up a little bit!
    Miss you both!
    P.s Should add Chicago onto your last stop of traveling ;)

  7. Fabulous pictures (apart from the ring shot). It was about time you succumbed Mike. Congratulations to you both.

  8. Absolutely fantastic news - can't believe Dad kept "another" secret !!Sounds like a very romantic proposal, Mike, but I shed a little tear reading the blog, Caz, as you know what I'm like !! Stay safe and what an adventure you are having. Love Mum Cxx
